Agile Manifesto poster

Agile Manifesto poster

As a software engineer & manager, I’m a massive fan of the principles of Agile software development, as embodied in the Agile Manifesto. I really believe software development and the interaction between software development companies and their customers would be radically different if more people adopted these four basic values and twelve basic principles. But, somewhere in recent history, the word Agile has been hijacked by big companies and transformed into a synonym for iterative development. Now, while I’m a great believer in iterative development, it only works if it’s accompanied by the other principles of Agile development. Principles that are often ignored by big-business management include: Build projects around motivated...

Why is bin Laden dead?

So. Osama bin Laden is dead. I think we’ve all noticed that by now. Thankfully some of the media and public figures have started to decry the celebration and chanting following his death. It is still the death of a human being and this is not cause for jubilation. What I’m more concerned about, however, is why he’s dead at all. We’re told there was a “firefight” and that “no Americans were harmed”. We’re also told that he “tried to hide behind women”. This doesn’t sound like an all-out battle to the death to me. It sounds like they cornered him and then killed him anyway. There’s a name for this: summary execution. It’s illegal under the Geneva/Hague Conventions. And with good...

The Yes vote needs you!

The opinion polls are showing the “No” vote in the upcoming referendum on whether to adopt AV for parliamentary elections as being a dead cert. The “Yes” campaign needs as many votes as it can possibly get! Please get to a polling station on 5th May and cast your vote. Don’t waste it because you think the voting system doesn’t matter. Here are the reasons you should vote “Yes”, in a nutshell: Under the current system, an MP can be elected when a huge majority of the voting population votes against that candidate. Here’s a perfect example using beer and coffee to illustrate this. In a real decision-making situation like this, people would say “well, 70% of us want beer so let’s pick the pub we most...

Welcome to my new blog

Hello! I’ll keep this opener brief. I have been keeping blogs on and off for almost 9 years, but when I look back over the posts I realize they’re primarily the chronicles of the man I used to be and not of the witty, intelligent, successful man I am today. In 9 years’ time, I will almost certainly look back at this post and say exactly the same thing about these entries. Anyway. It’s been 9 months since I moved back to sunny Yorkshire and I didn’t update the old blog in that whole time, despite having a lot to say. And I’m sick of that bespoke Rails 1.0 application … that time has passed and now I just want to use someone else’s much more awesome software, so hello WordPress! Welcome to my new blog. Hopefully...